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Psychosomatic Energetics



Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is a revolutionary system, which was created by Dr. Reimar Banis, M.D., N.D. PSE was developed on the premise that all of the body's physical, mental and emotional conditions are connected to energetic blocks.  These energetic blocks obstruct the flow of energy through the body’s seven main energy centres located along the spine. These blocks interfere with our emotions and affect the proper function of our organs and autonomic nervous system. They also lead to deficiencies at a cellular level, which results in numerous symptoms and complaints.

The mental and emotional health of the client could be the underlying issue that prevents complete healing. Psychosomatic Energetic Testing is the method we use to assess energy blockages.  We can find physical, mental, emotional, and nervous system stress and conflicts that block the energy flow, also known as our Chi or our life force, which guides both our mental and physical health.


How did this method get its name?


Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is a new method in the field of alternative medicine, based on considerations and theories not yet accepted by prevailing conventional medical science (orthodox or allopathic medicine). This method is designed to address the body, soul and life energy of human beings.

In Greek, the soul (mind) is called psyche, the body soma, and the energy that flows through them both is energetics (or Prana, Ch’I, Orgone). According to the ideas that led to the development of this method, there is a subtle life energy that flows through and pervades the human body which, in harmonious interaction of body and soul, is a contributory source of health, vitality and well-being.


How was the method developed?


Psychosomatic Energetics was developed over years of work and research by a German general practitioner and naturopath. It is not tied to any particular world-view, and combines oriental energy medicine (Acupuncture, Yoga) with modern occidental scientific thought. It has developed into an independent alternative-medicine procedure.


What does the method do?


Psychosomatic Energetics aims to measure the subtle energy field (Aura) and determine its “fullness” (like a car’s fuel gauge). Mainstream science as yet rejects this energy field as nonexistent, since it cannot be measured with conventional scientific equipment. Based on users’ experience, this is done by means of a specially-designed REBA® Test Device.


All preventive energy medicine (Acupuncture, Homeopathy) tries to identify and then compensate diminished life energy. According to the ideas that underlie this concept, a full energy reading is the prerequisite for stable, long-term good health. It is the goal of Psychosomatic Energetics to detect the deeper levels of disease causes and to heal them – i.e. psychic and subtle-body disease causes. The method proceeds from the assumption that, often, deep-seated subconscious psychological conflicts disturb the energy situation. It is therefore the task of Psychosomatic Energetics to detect and treat these conflicts.


What are psychosomatic disorders?  

Everyone knows from daily experience that body and soul are inseparably intertwined, and this knowledge is expressed by a number of familiar phrases:


  • Something’s eating at him.

  • I’ve got a knot in my stomach.

  • My heart is breaking with sorrow.


When you stop to consider that the body has a great many functions that are not under our conscious control – such as sleeping, defecating, blood pressure, skin temperature, hunger – it quickly becomes clear that there are other forces at work besides those that we have conscious control over, which keep the organism’s gears turning. This automatic steering unit is called the autonomic (or vegetative) nervous system; its fibers are present in every cell of the body, its commands bundled into neural nodes (vegetative plexus).


The most important vegetative plexuses are in the pelvis, upper and lower abdominal regions, cardiac region, cerebellum and brain stem. Each of the plexuses has, as it were, sovereignty over a particular body segment, and corresponds in alternative-medicine terms to the Indian Chakras (energy centers). The underlying ideas is that if all levels are in good working order and harmonizing with each other, then the person will feel healthy and vital.


Now, what can upset the regular functioning of the vegetative nervous system? According to Psychosomatic Energetics, these are generally “unfulfilled” feelings that act like sand in the gears of this subtle and delicate mechanism.

Concealed emotional problems then disrupt the course of vegetative functions and lead to energy congestions, which can in turn, via cellular supply deficiencies, lead to feeling unwell, pains and disease susceptibility.


The healing remedies of Psychosomatic Energetics  
Whenever one or more of these plexuses have their function disturbed, it can thus lead to somatic pains or ailments in the associated body region. There are various homeopathic compound remedies available for treating these energy blocks, which are applied according to the respective homeopathic pharmacological picture of the individual components.


“Energy blocks” in one body region – i.e. the pelvis or upper abdomen – can be treated, for example, with the Chakra remedy Chavita®. Which region reacts in each individual depends, according to Psychosomatic Energetics, on inherited weak points (which every person has) on the one hand; also, the psyche often attempts to make its hidden distresses visible via the language of the organs.


The emotional remedies (Emvita®) are administered in order to resolve the hidden psychological conflicts, and they may be taken alone or in conjunction with other therapeutic procedures.


A homeopathic compound remedy called Geovita® is used for follow-up treatment of geopathic disturbances. Although geopathic stress zones (geo-radiation) are not yet recognized by mainstream science, users of Psychosomatic Energetics are of the opinion that they are quite often a very significant factor – and so, Psychosomatic Energetics users regularly recommend, first, moving the “disturbed” bed. Also, Geovita® is meant to help the body quickly rebalance the disturbed energy, as well as e.g. more easily deal with the effects of electromagnetic pollution (electrosmog).


Anxiovita® serves to dissolve fear, uneasiness and exhaustion, Simvita® is used for nervousness and inner tension, Paravita® (5-5-0 Gloduli daily) is for easing cramps and spasms, and improving states of exhaustion, Neurovita® can be administered for pain and tension conditions.


The above remedies are obtainable in 50ml Globuli bottles (purple glass for protection from light) as a prescription drug. The standard dose is 12 Globuli (half that for children) twice daily on the tongue or diluted in water.







The Body´s Seven Main Energy Centres

The Body’s Seven Main Energy Centres Located along the central nervous system exist seven main centres also known as Chakras. The chakras are connected to all aspects of our physical, mental and emotional health and are affected by emotional and environmental factors. Traumatic experiences in our lifetime can result in the improper development of one or all of these centres and can result in physical, emotional or mental health challenges.   There are very clear connections between each chakra and symptoms experienced within the body.



The Root Chakra: The root chakra located at the base of the spine can be affected if you have ever had emotional trauma relating to feeling unsafe; like the death of a parent, divorce or abandonment. Blockages in this chakra can result in issues with your feet, knees, large intestines, reproductive organs, and skin




The Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra, located in the lower abdomen and can be affected if you have had emotional trauma relating to abuse, or the denial of your feelings. Blockages in this chakra can result in issues with you kidney, bladder, reproductive organs and your adrenal glands.




The Solar Plexus Chakra: The solar plexus chakra located in the centre of your stomach can be affected if you have had emotional traumas relating to, too much or too little responsibility, fear of punishment or if your will was taken away. Blockages in this chakra can result in issues with control, aggression, poor digestion, eating disorders, ulcers, or diabetes.





The Heart Chakra: The heart chakra located in the centre of your chest can be affected if you have had emotional traumas relating to death, divorce, grief, rejections, betrayal or abandonment. Blockages in this chakra can result in neediness, jealousy, codependency, anxiety, lung problems, breathing difficulties, asthma, an irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.




The Throat Chakra: The throat chakra located in the centre of your throat can be affected if you have had emotional traumas relating to self-expression, criticism or exposure to drug and alcohol abuse. Blockages in this chakra can result in thyroid problems, chronic throat problems, frequent colds, fever blisters, communication of self expression.





The Brow Chakra: The brow chakra located in the centre of the brow can be affected if you had emotional traumas relating to unsafe  home environment, weren’t able to establish your own identity or made to deny your intuition. Blockages in this chakra can result in issues with the pituitary gland, hormones, vision, the sinuses, migraines or concentration





The Crown Chakra: The crown chakra, located on the top of the head can  be affected by emotional traumas connected to forced religion, obedience or consistent mis-communication. Blockages in the crown chakra can result in cognitive disorders, migraines, and learning difficulties.




The REBA device is a unique non-invasive technology that uses a polyfrequency spectrum (PFS) to assess the energy centres or Chakras. This state-of-the-art device will find the energetic blockages that are interrupting the pathway to peak physical and emotional health. 


The REBA device measures a person’s energy levels and the energetic level of their organs. The device will determine where these energy blocks reside, what the emotional connection is, what the appropriate RubiMed remedies will be and for what length of time.



RubiMed Remedies The RubiMed remedies are complex homeopathic remedies. We need energy medicine to resolve energy issues.  The remedies work on the physical, mental and emotional levels to dissolve blockages within the 7 energy centres permanently. When we dissolve the blockage, the energy flows. Our life force then returns and we get back our energy to heal the physical condition. Life changing results have been seen and severe symptoms, including chronic pain, have been resolved. The remedies have been approved in the U.S.A. by the FDA and have NHPD file numbers in Canada. The remedies are manufactured in Switzerland to Swiss quality standards, GMP regulations and are distributed worldwide to certified PSE therapists.




86% success rate for depression, stress, anxiety disorders and trauma



A recent clinical study involved 10 German clinics (Townsend Letter Journal – May, 2011). 1,011 patient cases were tracked for over two years and an astounding 86 per cent success rate was reported for depression, stress, anxiety disorders and trauma. The North American toolbox is filled with psychotropic drugs – mood altering, often sedative and sometimes destructive. Motivated by evidence we have seen abroad, we are offering ‘a better way’ for patients and their doctors.


When we apply the Swiss PSE methodology, we utilize a REBA device to verify and quantify the presence of an emotional or energetic disturbance. Measurements are charted and a practitioner can determine suitable action if required. The appropriate, non-toxic complex homeopathic is selected from among 33 available combinations and after eight to 12 weeks, the patient returns to confirm progress.









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