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The Arm-Length Test


"Did you know that our bodies can talk? They can say "yes" and "no". Just like your inner voice sometimes warns or supports you, your body does this too by changing its Muscle Tension."


Uwe Albrecht (author of "Yes or No")


This is not some esoteric fad but a neurological reflex, with the muscles relaxing on one side of the body, while they are contracting on the other. This is why the arms differ in length.

It is a response of our muscular system to stress. Here, the brain controls our muscles via a neuropeptide, the substance P, at the speed of 1,500 meters (about a mile) per second, in ways that make strong muscles suddenly become weak.






Arm-length-testing, easiest form of muscle testing ever


Innovated in 1980, not until 2013 did Dr. Uwe Albrecht of make more public, the easiest form of manual biofeedback (muscle testing) yet developed.


Physioenergetics is a holistic diagnostic and therapeutic concept based on kinesiology.

In the 1960s the American Dr. Goodheart noticed correlations between the power of specific muscles and pathologies in attributed organs and functional units.
Physioenergetics further developed Goodhearts »Applied Kinesiology«. The method facilitates a diagnosis of primary causes of diseases or problems without the use of technical equipment.


Physioenergetics®, also called »holistic kinesiology« uses muscle tests and introduced a new test method: the arm length reflex (AR) according to Van Assche. The AR is the expression of a change in the tone of certain muscle chains which causes a seemingly different length of the right and left arm. With the aid of this reflex the therapist has the possibility to enter into a direct dialogue with the body of the patient.


The therapeutic possibilities comprise the whole range of the methods belonging to naturopathic-oriented medicine: acupuncture, meridian massage, reflex zone therapy, orthomolecular medicine, administration of vitamin and mineral substitutes and the evaluation and application of certain homeopathic medications as well as the use of manual therapy methods, in particular osteopathy.


This offers a variety of possibilities to the therapist to integrate the method in his/her own system of treatment and to achieve a better approach to a holistic way of looking at the patient. 

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