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Frequently Asked Questions About NAET

Q. What is an allergy/sensitivity?


A.  An allergy or sensitivity is a problematic reaction your body is having to a substance.  The most common allergens include milk, wheat, corn, soy, citrus, dust, animals and mold. However the body can react to practically anything, including the detergent you are using to wash your clothes or the newspaper you are reading every day.


Q. What is NAET? 


A. NAET stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique.  It is a simple desensitization technique that helps your body accept the foods you are eating, and your environment in a healthy and balanced way, without annoying reactions.


Q. Where can I go for more information on NAET?


A. We highly recommend that you obtain a book by Dr. Devi Nambudripad, called “Say Goodbye to Illness”. You can purchase a book at our office or on  Reading the book will likely get you excited about your NAET treatments and give you ideas of how NAET can help you personally.








Q. How many NAET treatments do I need to get rid of my reactions?


A. Most clients see an improvement in their symptoms by the 5th NAET treatment. We recommend that you proceed through the 15 basic NAET treatments.  These basic clearings reduce the allergic load on your body allowing you to comfortably handle environmental stressors such as the Hawaiian Vog and pets.  If you are primarily sensitive to environmental allergens such as dust and the vog, we will desensitize these after the minerals treatment (the 9th treatment).  


Q. What is the order of the 15 basic NAET Treatments?


A. 1. BBF (The Brain Balancing Formula); 2. The Egg Mix;  3. The Calcium Mix (includes milk and cheese); 4. The Vitamin C Mix (fruits and vegetables); 5. B Complex; 6. Sugar Mix; 7. Iron Mix (includes meats); 8. Vitamin A Mix (Seafood and Shellfish); 9. Mineral Mix; 10. Salt Mix; 11. Grain Mix (includes wheat, corn, rice, oats, rye); 12. Yeast Mix; 13. Stomach Acids; 14. Base (digestive juices and enzymes); 15. Hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone).  



Q. What occurs on the first NAET visit?


A.  1. After we talk about what you want from treatment we will test for the main allergens to see if there is something you can avoid immediately to obtain relief from your symptoms. 

2.  We will then perform a test to find out what stresses your digestive process the most (carbohydrates, proteins, fats or fiber) and we will recommend a digestive enzyme for you to begin taking with your meals. In many cases taking the digestive enzyme helps reduce symptoms immediately by increasing digestion and absorption of partially digested foods which can act as allergens.

3. We will perform your first NAET treatment.


Q. What occurs on follow-up NAET appointments?


A. When you come in for a follow-up appointment, we will test is to see that the treatment we performed on the previous visit is complete.  From there we will test to determine the best treatment for that day and then perform the optimal NAET desensitization treatment. 


 Q. What are the costs for NAET?

A.   See Fees & Appointments.


Q. When do we know when we can stop our NAET treatments?


A. Most clients stop the visits after their allergic reactions get better, after 10-25 treatments.  Many clients are excited by the results and choose to continue NAET treatments for other items they encounter.


Q. Does NAET desensitization last for a lifetime?


A. Most treatments last for many years or a lifetime.  However, if your symptoms reoccur, a treatment may need to be boosted.  Therefore a yearly recheck is recommended.


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